Safety First, Justice Always: Your Guide to South Carolina Auto Accident Law

Victims of car accidents face the substantial hurdles of paying costly medical bills, mentally processing the trauma of the crash, and dealing with the financial strain after the crash. Regardless of the cause, most drivers are left with the same questions. This FREE e-book was designed to provide you with exactly the answers that you are looking for. Failing to seek out this information could lead you to make costly mistakes that impair your ability to receive maximum compensation for your losses.

Information About Car Insurance Matters After a Wreck

Following an auto accident, you will very quickly become familiar with a person known as an “insurance adjuster.” The adjuster does not have your best interests in mind; rather, he or she is looking out for the bottom line of the insurance company. Unfortunately, going into this process without extensive knowledge about the world of auto insurance puts you at a serious disadvantage. Our informative e-book will answer your questions and provide information on:

  • Obtaining the maximum amount of compensation for all of your losses, not just your medical bills and damage to your vehicle.
  • What happens when the driver who caused your accident does not have enough insurance—or no insurance—to provide you with full compensation.
  • The types of coverage all South Carolina motorists should have in place, and how to buy the policies that are right for you.

Answers to Questions About Medical Bills and Healthcare Issues

As you seek treatment for your injuries after a car crash, you likely have many questions about your medical bills. This downloadable guide will provide you with the information that you need to ensure that you handle your bills in the best manner possible, without jeopardizing your ability to receive the maximum possible compensation after an accident. You will learn:

  • How your medical bills are paid after a crash, whether or not you have health insurance.
  • Why you should use your health insurance to pay your medical bills.
  • How an experienced car accident attorney can help reduce the amount of a health insurance lien.
  • What happens if the hospital refuses to send your bill to your health insurance company.
  • Whether your health care bills can be sent to collections.

Compensation After a Car Accident

Victims of car accidents are often very concerned about compensation after automobile crashes. This concern is well warranted:  medical bills are often very high, property damage could be substantial, and victims may be unable to return to work. The compensation following an accident may be the only source of income, at least for an undetermined period of time. Our e-book will tell you:

  • How much money you should receive.
  • What happens if your condition worsens with time.
  • How the funds from a settlement are distributed, from liens to attorney’s fees, lawsuit costs, and your ultimate payment.

Unique Aspects of Drunk Driving Accidents

Accidents caused by drunk drivers are some of the most tragic cases that we come across. We feel that it is important to note that our office represents only the victims of these terrible crashes, whether the negligent party be another driver or the owner of a bar or restaurant that over serves its patrons. Victims face substantial hurdles and this guide is designed to help. We will provide you with important information, such as the laws that are designed to protect you, the evidence that you need to support your case, and the damages that you may be entitled to.

Order Your Electronic Copy Today

Whatever your specific questions are about South Carolina motor vehicle accidents, this e-book will get you started in the right direction. The steps that you take after a crash can be the most crucial, not only to your ability to obtain compensation, but also to your health and well-being. Submit a form request today for a free copy.

Kenneth Berger
Columbia and Myrtle Beach car accident and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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