On Oct. 23, 2015, the South Carolina Bar held its first seminar dedicated exclusively to traumatic brain injury. As an experienced South Carolina injury attorney with experience handling TBI cases across the state, I was fortunate to help coordinate the event and bring in speakers from around the country.
An Impressive Lineup of Brain Injury Advocates
There could not have been a better man to start the seminar than Dan Chamberlain, the Chairman of the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). Mr. Chamberlain traveled from Indianapolis, IN to speak on advances in brain imaging, which are changing the way brain trauma is diagnosed and treated. After his presentation, fellow BIAA Board Member, Sheldon Herring, discussed neuropsychology (i.e. the study of the relationship between the brain and behavior). Dr. Herring – a pioneer in the field of TBI rehabilitation – was followed by two of the leading TBI defense lawyers in the country, Gregory Kendall and Brandon Woodard. Greg and Brandon joined us from Cincinnati, OH, and even though they are on the opposite side of the aisle from me, I have great respect for their knowledge and unwavering commitment to the study of TBI.
Tom Burns, a specialist in pediatric neuropsychology, came next. Dr. Burns spoke passionately about some of the young patients he has encountered over the years, and the tremendous progress many of them have made. His lecture paved the way for Harvey Jacobs, who gave a top-notch presentation on life care planning. Dr. Jacobs specializes in helping identify the care people with brain injuries will need over the course of their lifetime. Because TBIs tend to cause different problems at different points in life, experts such as Dr. Jacobs are needed to ensure patients get the long-term care their injury demands.
Our last speaker of the day, Dede Norungolo, is herself a brain injury survivor. From trauma patient to empowered advocate, Ms. Norungolo is a specialist at Clemson University’s Student Disability Services… and a role model for many of her students.
Help Is Available For South Carolina TBI Survivors
The SC Bar's seminar testified to the tremendous support available to brain injury survivors, not only in South Carolina but also throughout the nation. If you are struggling with a brain injury and unsure of the resources available to you, contact my Columbia office today at (803) 790-2800. As an active member of several professional brain injury organizations, I will do my best to put you in contact with trusted professionals within the community.