Improper Boat Repair Leads to Burn Injuries

Our clients, a father and son duo, were out enjoying their boat for the first time since having its engine replaced by a repair shop (name withheld due to confidentiality agreement). Upon launching the boat, the boat became engulfed in flames while attached to the boat trailer. Firefighters were forced to detach the trailer from their vehicle to prevent further property damage.

Our investigation revealed loose bolts and stud nuts that were meant to secure cables and wires to the battery terminal. Additionally, none of the battery connections employed a safety lock washer to ensure proper torquing to mitigate loosening over time. The resulting gap in the fuel level sender created a spark that ignited the fuel tank.

Both of our clients suffered second and third-degree burns over much of their bodies. Fortunately, our South Carolina boating accident lawyer notes, that they are healing well and will not have substantial disfigurement.

$1 Million Settlement - Seeking Full Justice After a Myrtle Beach Boat Fire

The repair shop denied accessing and replacing the fuel level sender, but they did replace the main fuel line just eight inches from the area that caused the fire. Our legal team successfully argued that the shop should have seen the loose cap and had a duty to ensure it was assembled properly.

We secured a $1,000,000 settlement for our clients. We are glad they will be able to continue to focus on healing without having to stress about medical bills and time missed for work during the recovery process.

Dedicated Attorneys for Myrtle Beach Injuries

This was a complex boat injury case that required in-depth investigations and technical knowledge. We are proud of the just results that we recovered on behalf of our clients.

At the Law Office of Kenneth Berger, we are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to help you seek full justice when another person or business’ wrongdoing causes you harm. If you have been injured in Myrtle Beach, contact us today for a free consultation at (843) 427-2800 or through the live chat on this page. We are here to provide guidance and protect your legal rights so you can focus on getting well.


DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients' cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client's case.

Kenneth Berger
Columbia and Myrtle Beach car accident and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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