On October 5, 2012, a driver violated multiple traffic laws on I-26 in Lexington, SC before wrecking into the back of a family vehicle carrying both parents and three young children. Ms. C felt both panic and pain when the crash occurred. She panicked over what harm may have come to her babies. She felt pain from her head violently being through forward, then backward against the headrest. Mr. C experienced similar emotions and injury. The three young children were all riding in the back of the car, and may have absorbed even more of the impact from the crash than their parents.

Before being transferred to Lexington Medical Center, one of the children screamed out “Mommy, my head hurts!”  She continued to experience nausea for the remainder of the day and cried in bed before falling asleep that night.

Ms. C experienced neck pain, headaches, and nausea due to the collision. She remained symptomatic for several months. At therapy appointments, Ms. C described the pain as sharp, throbbing, and constant. She also struggled with sleep due to the stabbing pains along her spine. 

Though the Defendant's negligence was never disputed, her insurance company did fight us over the amount of compensation the Lexington family would receive for the injuries sustained in the car wreck. In the end, the insurance carrier made a fair offer, leading Ms. C to profusely thank Kenny and his staff for the time, attention, and kindness shown to her family in a time of need.

Get Legal Help After a Car Accident in South Carolina

The issues you face after an auto accident are not as simple as some people would have you believe. From how medical bills get paid to how much you should be compensated, it is always better to receive a free consultation from a car accident attorney than to rely on an insurance company that increases its profits by paying you less.

The South Carolina personal injury lawyer at the Law Office of Kenneth E. Berger has years of experience handling cases like yours and would be honored to help you and your family with the legal recovery process while you focus on healing.

DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients' cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client's case.

Kenneth Berger
Columbia and Myrtle Beach car accident and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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