When kids get seriously injured at daycare, large medical bills often follow. In South Carolina, the daycare or its insurance carrier is responsible for paying all medical expenses (at the end of the case) if their negligence caused your child's harm. Most daycares are quick to reassure parents that they will take care of the bills. However, when it comes time to pay, their story often changes. 

Parents need to know that the law entitles you to much more than reimbursement for out of pocket expenses. In fact, you should receive compensation for the total, pre-reduced charge from all medical bills.

While many daycare accidents are unpreventable and unforeseeable, other injuries are the result of child safety violations. In the latter case, a claim should be filed with the daycare's insurance company. The insurance company should then compensate your family for all medical bills, in addition to compensation for the physical pain and lost enjoyment of childhood your son or daughter experienced.

If you have more questions about medical expenses arising from a daycare injury in South Carolina, get answers long before you sign any documents or enter any settlement agreements. I'm here to help. Call me today at (803) 790-2800.

Kenneth Berger
Columbia and Myrtle Beach car accident and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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