The Value of a Workers' Comp Case Depends on Many Factors

Work injury claim formInjured employees in South Carolina should be compensated at the end of their case. The amount of compensation you receive is based on your impairment rating, "average weekly wage," work history, need for future medical care, and a number of other factors. In this video, I explain how you can assess the value of your workers' comp claim to determine whether the insurance company is treating you fairly.

Don't Rely on an Insurance Adjuster to Determine Your Case Worth

I am also glad to provide a free case evaluation to ensure your rights under South Carolina's workers' compensation laws are protected. Don't trust an insurance adjuster or defense attorney to fairly judge the value of your case. Instead, contact me today at 803-790-2800 or by using the live chat box belowPlease know that we are here to help make sure your rights are protected and very much look forward to speaking with you. 

Kenneth Berger
Columbia and Myrtle Beach car accident and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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