In this video, Columbia, SC auto accident lawyer Kenneth E. Berger discusses drunk driving accidents and insurance coverage to obtain to protect yourself.

Victims are hurt and even killed by drunk drivers on a daily basis. Those who cause this pain and suffering have committed a criminal offense. As a result, they should face prison time and also compensate victims for their losses.

Person driving drunkIn fact, people injured in DUI accidents can receive compensation even in the situation where the driver is uninsured. The reason is that auto insurance in South Carolina comes with uninsured coverage, which helps to protect you against reckless drivers that don't have car insurance. 

Another source of assistance is from underinsured coverage. With this type of coverage, your own insurance policy covers costs, if the drunk driver does not have enough insurance to cover all the costs associated with the wreck.

Not having uninsured or underinsured coverage can lead to huge financial costs. Mr. Berger recommends that everyone should pay the few dollars a month extra to obtain this coverage so that you and the people you care about are protected if the worst should occur. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a DUI accident, call the Law Office of Kenneth E. Berger today at 803-790-2800 to set up a free consultation. You can also start a live chat with our team right now. We would be honored to speak with you and see how we can help. 

Kenneth Berger
Columbia and Myrtle Beach car accident and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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