
What can you do after being hurt in a boating accident in South Carolina? My name is Kenneth Berger. I practice law here in South Carolina and handle boating injury cases across the state. Now, I'm the first one to tell you that I like being out on a boat; I love being out on the water. Unfortunately, a day of fun can turn south if other boaters are negligent. Boat operators sometimes are inexperienced. A lot of them will boat under the influence of alcohol; They'll speed or just not pay attention. When that happens, it can result in serious injuries and death. In 2017 alone, there were more than 4,000 boating accidents and more than 650 deaths; we hate to see these things happen. A lot of times, when they do, families are left asking questions, like who's going to cover medical bills and other costs/ other losses that come with a severe injury? Now, South Carolina law doesn't require boating owners to carry insurance, but oftentimes, if there's any type of loan on the boat or any money on the boat, then the person loaning them the money will require them to carry insurance. So, oftentimes, there is insurance in boating accident cases. It doesn't mean that the insurance company is just going to pay without putting up a fight; however, dealing with boating accident claims and insurance companies is difficult, so if you've been injured in any type of boating accident, if you've got questions about these kinds of cases, you do not have to take on an insurance company by yourself. We've handled a number of boating accident cases, and we know South Carolina's boating laws; we know the laws of admiralty that can apply in these cases in a federal setting. Again, we've handled the cases in the southern part of the state, the Midlands, and the upstate, and we'd be honored to answer any of your questions and really help you in any way possible. If you want to find out how we can help or if you want answers to some of these questions, reach out to us today. We're here to help you.

Recoverable Damages After a Boating Accident

Boating accidents around Columbia, Charleston, the Upstate, and elsewhere often result in catastrophic injuries. The legal term for any type of harm or loss resulting from someone else’s wrongdoing is “damages,” and in South Carolina, you can seek compensation to cover all those losses, which may include:

Steps to Take After Being Injured in Myrtle Beach

  1. Prioritize your health.
  2. Report the accident to the responsible party.
  3. Document the scene of the accident.
  4. Contact a Myrtle Beach injury attorney.

How Do You Prove a Wrongful Death Claim After a Boat Accident?

Wrongful death claims can be complex and difficult to navigate. Most importantly, you shouldn’t have to worry about your financial situation while you are grieving the loss of a loved one. In a wrongful death claim filed after a boat crash, you must be able to prove:

  • The responsible party had a certain level of care and responsibility for the safety of passengers and all others on the waterway;
  • The responsible party failed to uphold that level of care and
  • The failure to uphold that level of care contributed to the cause of your loved one’s death.

Talk With Our Myrtle Beach Boating Accident Attorney If You Or A Loved One Has Suffered Injuries

If you’re injured or someone you love is killed in an accident at the beach, and you believe that someone else may be to blame, you should talk to a Myrtle Beach personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced attorney will be able to answer your questions, direct a proper investigation, and seek to hold the negligent party responsible for the harm they have caused.