Alcohol Affects Drivers in Many WaysIt seems that not enough drivers in South Carolina are making the responsible decision not to drink and drive. South Carolina consistently ranks among the worst states for drunk driving accidents, and over 300 people were killed in DUI crashes in our state alone in 2016. What is it that makes alcohol so dangerous when someone gets behind the wheel? Our South Carolina drunk driving accident lawyer explains.

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How Alcohol Affects Driving

Alcohol affects the body in many ways. Not only does it take a toll on health over time, but the immediate effects also make it dangerous to engage in any activity requiring skill, attention, and coordinated movement. Sensory perception is reduced, nerve-to-muscle transmission is impeded, and decision-making and higher brain functions all suffer, leading to effects such as:

  • Altered judgment. Alcohol can make clear thinking, good decision-making, and planning ahead difficult and can increase risk-taking behaviors—all critical skills for operating a vehicle.
  • Lowered ability to concentrate. Driving a car involves a lot more concentration than many people realize, but when your ability to focus on the many tasks involved in driving goes away, such as steering the car, maintaining a safe speed, staying in your lane, and avoiding other cars, the risk of an accident increases greatly.
  • Loss of coordination. Alcohol causes changes in the parts of the brain that control motor skills, too, which slows down reflexes and decreases the ability to safely steer or use the gas and brake pedals appropriately.
  • Impaired vision. Alcohol relaxes the muscles that control the eyes, causing blurred vision and slower visual reaction time. Alcohol also decreases peripheral vision, meaning that drunk drivers have a difficult time seeing anything that isn’t directly in front of them, including other cars, pedestrians, and other hazards or obstacles in the road.

As these effects take hold in the body, the intoxicated driver may not sense dangerous situations, react appropriately to a hazard, or be able to control his or her vehicle. This can lead to a serious accident that not only hurts the drunk driver, but also leaves other innocent drivers and passengers seriously injured—or worse.

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Kenneth Berger
Columbia and Myrtle Beach car accident and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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